MSI VR ready Backtop

MSI VR One Backpack PC Review

We often get asked about our preferred VR set up. Today we’re sharing information about one element that allows us to experience proper room scale in VR – the MSI VR One Backpack PC. This VR-ready backpack PC gives us the freedom to move about the room without worrying about tripping over cords. It’s powered by IntelCore i7 processor and NVIDIA GTX 1070/GTX 1060 graphics card.


The MSI VR One Backpack PC has a sleek and futuristic look, which is important when showcasing cutting-edge technology. We love the backpack handle. It’s a necessary feature when putting the backpack on and off people quickly. 

Comfort Level

The system is comfortable for just about everyone. We have had users ages 8 to 80 years wear it with ease, including at least two people with chronic back issues – both of whom praised the comfort level of the backpack. 

Seated or Standing Experience 

The backpack is slim enough to use in a seated or standing experience, which is important when we’re showing the technology to people with a variety of health conditions and activity levels. If you’re interested in using it in a limited space, the slender profile could be an important feature to consider. 


The clips are easy to pull and reattach. While most people are able to put the backpack on without any adjustments, some require us to detach the straps. The process is simple and quick, which is important when cycling users through at trade shows or events. 

Extra Batteries Bundle 

Having the ability to swap batteries at a moments notice is a necessary feature to have when running the backtop for long periods of time. We’ve noticed that the battery life is significantly shorter with the HTC Vive Pro and the extra, hot-swappable batteries allow us to play for a longer period of time without interrupting gameplay. Just remember to swap out the batteries one at a time to avoid shutting down the system. 

Don’t Be Afraid to Innovate! 

There were a few features we wish MSI included in this version of the backpack PC but with a little bit of ingenuity and velcro, we customized it for optimal usability. 

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